Need popups to grab your users' attention? Marketing call-to-actions that open on scroll, timer, click, matched referer or even hover?
Multiple popups on one page? This plugin has it all. It provides styling consistent with core block editor blocks plus additional features.
Why choose Makeiteasy Popup?
▶️ Unlike some other plugins, Makeiteasy Popup integrates seamlessly with WordPress,
feeling like a native, built-in WP block. It’s lightweight and self-sufficient,
without the heavy burden of a large blocks library.
It relies on a single tiny dependency - micromodal.js - with a combined total of only 10 kB of JavaScript❕
👆 Try demo - there is a "Live preview" button on the top of this page 👆
❗ Sometimes "Live preview" does not start due to slower responds of servers with resources. If progress stops with black screen or
progress indicator does not advance anymore (loading should be finished at max 30 seconds) - in that case please refresh the page in browser.
Key Features
- 🥇 Feature-Rich and free.
- 🥈 Fully Open Source: Including the block source code. Fork and adjust as needed.
- 🥉 Developer friendly: Hooks for modifications and unopinionated starting CSS.
- ⏲️ Future-Proof Compatibility: Guaranteed compatibility with future WordPress versions.
🆕✨ Improved handling of long content in popups. Mobile sizing is improved as well.
⚠️ This is the last version which will support WordPress 6.5 and below. I am switching to newer development environment which is WP6.6+ compatible.
Please open ticket in support section if that's a problem.
🆕 Added roadmap section in development tab
Queue if another popup is opened, popup is placed in queue and opened upon closing the former.
From block editor:
Search for 'makeiteasy popup' in the block editor when adding a new block via the '+' sign in the top bar.
Standard Installation:
- Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly or upload the plugin files to the
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
"Open on referer" condition can be combined with other opening conditions.
Popup which is opened on hover closes when element is not hovered anymore.
Welcome guide.
Fixed bug in code with duplicating block, which had same anchor.
Fixed some spacing issues in block sidebar.
Fixed some layout issues in editor.
Changed css issued related to modeless popup.
Removed option for attached popup to be modal.
Fixed adding in queue which did not function for all popups.
Fixed some inconsistencies between modal and modeless popups.
Improved styling when content in popup is greater in height than popup window - a scrollbar appears. To achieve that,
display: grid is used when close button is beside content, while before it was
When blocks inside (some third party blocks) have absolute positioning and when popup width is not set, popup can be too small.
In such cases, an auto-detection procedure is added which sets width to default theme content width if block is too narrow and
increases height if it is too short.
Fixed occurrence of null in classes on wrapper.
Small fix for incorrect button background on mobile device.
Introduced internationalization. Fixed positioning above all elements for overlay popups which incorrectly could be below some elements.
Improved layout for disabled popup. Improved restoring modality type when choosing hover and then different opening type.
- Bug fix where if popups with time delay for repeated opening were used, some attached popups may not attach.
- Bug fix for setting same width of popup as attached element
- Enhancement - choosing width same as attached element for any type of block opening
- Introduced setting width of popup to same width as element (only for opening on hover)
- Bug fixes
- Added opening once in interval per user
- Added opening on matching URL referer
- Added accessibility label for dialog
- Small CSS fixes
- Add features according to requests on support
- Introduce new popup HTML: relatively new
element with appropriate javascript for handling this element.
- Add integration with some of more popular marketing tools.