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Martins Analytics

开发者 bundgaard
更新时间 2022年6月18日 18:15
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


cookie privacy statistics stats analytics gdpr ccpa pipeda




This plugin is relying on a 3rd party as a service, Martins Analytics ( Terms: Martin's Analytics, a GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA friendly alternative to Google Analytics, is simple statistics for your website, that are easy to understand without a lot of disruptive elements. Statistics in 1 page, having only the most important informations. For you who care about your own and your customers privacy, and who do not want to share everyone's information with Google Analytics. With Martins Analytics, you get valuable statistics and at the same time makes all your customers want to visit your website again. All the Analytics data collected, is aggregated data that can not be traced back to a specific person. A unique daily ID is created for a visitor based on a compromise that takes privacy into account. Therefore, we do not use a browser ID because this is too accurate and does not comply with the GDPR rules. The ID is encrypted and is created from a unique code with a 24 hour lifetime, together with the ip and 'user-agent' that is always sent to a server anyway and is found in any log. None of the information is stored and the ID can not be traced backwards and is stored for a maximum of 24 hours. A visitor cannot be tracked across devices and will therefore always be considered as a new visitor. This is absolutely perfect from a privacy point of view, and a compromise you can live with. Look forward to getting rid of your cookie consent popup, which usually is only necessary due to Google Analytics or similar statistics. Ordinary cookies you might use in connection with users logging in to your website etc., does not usually require a cookie consent popup.