Customize and add a Do Not Sell button to your website to provide a transparent mechanism for website visitors to opt out of the sale of their personal data and exercise their consumer rights.
Уведомление о файлах cookie позволяет вам элегантно информировать пользователей о том, что ваш сайт использует файлы cookie, и помогает вам соблюдать закона о персональных данных в РФ (№ 152-ФЗ).
It is great-looking and responsive, and absolutely free!. Lawful cookie consent is the interaction on your website that enables users to decide whether they will allow cookies to collect their personal data
Easy and transparent CCPA and GDPR (EU E-Directive) cookie life-cycle consent management for your site and all your plugins with built in support for fingerprint consent and CCPA Do-Not-Sell option.
Easy to use tools to help make your website GDPR-compliant. Fully documented, extendable and developer-friendly. Extensions to enterprise GDPR compliance coming - full active development and QA team. Free, friendly support!