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Pop up

开发者 David Cerulio
更新时间 2012年11月6日 03:41
PHP版本: 2.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.4


post advertise widget posts plugin links page advertising pages image lightbox shortcode images popup popups blog ads banner link welcome ad custom advanced options message settings mailing offer pop-up window short code box sitewide onclick pop up promo wp popup custom message



Display a welcome popup window to your visitors, an effective and easy way to advertise a product or notify your visitors before reading your content. Why WP Popup?
  1. Easy to manage
  2. Advanced options and conditions are available:
  3. Visitor is logged in
  4. Visitor is not logged in
  5. Visitor has never commented
  6. Visit via a search engine
  7. Visit not via an Internal link
  8. Visit via specific referer
  9. wppopup shown less than
  10. On specific URL
  11. Not on specific URL
  12. In a specific Country
  13. Not in a specific Country
And many more! == Installation ==
  1. Connect to your website using FTP
  2. Include the "wp-popup" folder into /wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate WP Popup from the WP Admin.
  4. Visit plugin settings page -> WP Popup.