Linux 软件免费装
Boost your posts with Nzymes injections. Safely use PHP in posts' title, excerpt, and content. WordPress 4.7+ PHP 5.6+
Simple shortcode for swf/flash embedding. Autodetect original size. Can set size, object id+class, flashvar, attributes and parameter.
C4D Woo Attribute Color
Navigation Menu Title to ID
This plugin allow you to use the title attribute of the a tags of your menu as ids.
Extra Details On Shop Page
You can add extra details for each product on shop page of woocommerce.
Custom Image Attributes
Add custom image attributes to any image. Great for adding attributes to images for lightboxes, SEO, analytics & more. Remove native lazyloading for individual images.
fast select Attributes for WooCommerce
You can search and fast select woocommerce attributes of too many attributes in add product page or edit product page.
Product Creation Time Saver for WooCommerce
A lightweight plugin that will allow you to create reusable template to save time in creating WooCommerce products.
Plugin Name
WP plugin that removes the ID attributes from the tags for the CSS files. Used mostly together with mod_pagespeed.
Attached images title editor
This plugin has the hability to change the title of all the images attached to a post by inserting a new title for them all.
rtBiz - WordPress 4 Business!
WooCommerce Load Group Attributes Product
Define default attributes to be automatically added in WooCommerce new product page
BIT Order Queues for WooCommerce
Add Queues for Order Processing for each supplier in Product>Attributes>Suppliers
Orilla Cart - eCommerce
eCommerce solution designed to help you grow your business.
GS Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
An extension of WooCommerce to create Color, Label and Image Variation Swatches for Product Attributes.
Real WP Shop Lite Ajax eCommerce Shopping Cart
Light, powerful, easy to use and theme WordPress ecommerce / shopping cart plugin that utilizes ajax for better user experience.
WooCommerce Show Attributes
Show WooCommerce custom product attributes on the Product, Shop, and Cart pages, admin Order Details page and emails.
Search Attributes for WooCommerce
This plugin allows you to extend wordpress search feature by searching into Woocommerce product attributes.
Attributes for Blocks
Allows to add HTML attributes to Gutenberg blocks.