Linux 软件免费装
Block Minimap
A Minimap for the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg).
Grigora's Kit For Website Building
Your only requirement to create a beautiful website. Import from many prebuilt templates, or build with scratch from blocks.
Crypto Market Price Inserter
Country IP Specific Redirections
The powerful geolocation targeting plugin let's you drive away unwanted traffic. The plugin automatically detects the country of your visitors
Insert Block Pattern Block
Gutenberg Block for inserting Theme Block Patterns into page/post or into a insertable block (columns).
Block Editor For WooCommerce
Enable Block Editor (Gutenberg) For WooCommerce.
Elementor Blocks for Gutenberg
Elementor Blocks for Gutenberg, officially created by Elementor Page Builder, allows you to easily insert any Elementor template into Gutenberg.
Blockspare - Expertly Crafted Patterns & Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks for Blog, Magazine, Newspaper, and Agency. One-click Import, No Coding Hassle!
iQ Block Country
Allow or disallow visitors from certain countries accessing (parts of) your website
Call To Action Customizable Block
Easily add customizable call to action blocks in your posts and pages with the Call To Action Customizable Block for Gutenberg.
BUDA - Block User Dashboard Access
BUDA completely blocks users who are not Administrators from accessing the dashboard, as well as removing the toolbar for non-administrators
Smart Keywords Tool - 智能关键词插件
智能关键词插件(Smart Keywords Tool)是一款集即时关键词推荐、关键词选词工具、文章智能标签及关键词库功能于一体的 WordPress 网站 SEO 优化插件。
Insert Special Characters
A Special Character inserter for the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg).
SimpleTOC - Table of Contents Block
SEO-friendly Table of Contents Gutenberg block. No JavaScript and no CSS means faster loading.
Love, Brave Browser
Shout-out your love for
Brave Browser
. Supports Gutenberg Block Widget Editor as well as Classic Widget.