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demo importer
Sparkle Demo Importer imports sparkle themes full demo with just one click. It is specially developed for demo import purpose. This plugin works for theme developed by SparleThemes and if other themes wants to use then they have to use action filter to work.
Please note: Demo Importer plugin need to be integrated in theme and does not work without such integration. Go to GitHub repository and check examples that could help you implement this in your theme.
Blaze Demo Importer can be used in all the official themes developed by BlazeThemes. Plugin can be used to import any of the available starter sites settings in your website. Within just a few steps your website will look exactly like the starter website. Provides information about the plugin required to be installed and activated and proceeds automatically.
Swift Demo Import imports the demo with just single click. It is as easy as that. It also install all the recommended or required plugins and also reset the website.
HashThemes Demo importer imports the demo with just single click. It is as easy as that. It also install all the recommended or required plugins and also reset the website. This plugin is specially built to import the demo for the themes of HashThemes but will also work with any other theme using the filter.
A one-click, user-friendly WordPress plugin for effortlessly importing theme demos and customizing your website in no time.