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Facebook Pixel
Track your pageviews using Facebook Pixel with Auto Load Next Post.
This Plugin provide you options to add Facebook pixel script in your site without editing code, with unique pixel id of your WordPress website. Pixel id option will appear in Plugins Back-end setting, you just need to create and add your unique site pixel id. After setting pixel id in Back-end setting, script will be added in your site header, and you will start to track your conversion with facebook pixel.
Facebook Pixel Pal inserts your Facebook Pixel Code into it's proper location.
Insert the New Facebook Pixel to ALL your pages with one plugin
Enable new growth channels for WooCommerce with GA4, Facebook Pixel and Consent Mode ready GTM integration. Use packaged GTM presets for quick installation.
Implements web analytics like a pro. We took care of all your headache. Deploys data layer, Google Analytics, FB pixel & Tag Manager in minutes.
Grow your business with Meta for WordPress!
Track actions and events triggered by users when browsing your website, and send the data straight to Facebook Pixel for advanced action tracking and retargeting with Facebook Ads.
Very Simple plugin to add any type of tracking code on your website in a second and also block the direct access to thank page.
Pixelavo is a WordPress plugin that allows businesses to use Facebook's Conversions API and server-side tracking on their websites.
Include inline javascript, stylesheets, CSS code or anything you want in Header and Footer areas of your WordPress with ease.