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Automatic Facebook Cache Cleaner
No more outdated post/page info when sharing on Facebook. Our plugin makes sure that Facebook's cache always has the most up to date details.
Phlush Permalinks
Automate permalink flushing at custom intervals and trigger flushes on selected actions for improved site management.
Cache Sniper for Nginx
Purge the Nginx FastCGI cache manually, or automatically when content is updated. Supports purging of individual pages.
Add File Version (AFV)
Add File Version (AFV) can automatically or manually add file version to the CSS/JS files that were added using wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script, admin_enqueue_style and admin_enqueue_script.
Flush Permalinks Button
A plugin to add a button to flush permalinks in WordPress admin bar.
WP OPcache
Manage OPcache inside your WordPress admin dashboard.
Nginx Cache
Purge the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress.
W3TC Auto Pilot
Put W3 Total Cache on auto pilot. This plugin allows you to control W3 Total Cache by simply using your website. So your cache is always up to date.
Purge Varnish Cache
Clean clear VARNISH cache automatically when content on your site is created or modified, also allow you to purge VARNISH cache manually.
Hestia Nginx Cache
Purged the Nginx cache automatically after making website changes. Uses the
HestiaCP API, released in 1.6.0.
Server-Side Cache AutoPurge
Purge server-side cache automatically after making website changes. Optimized for servers managed by SureSupport.
Clear OPcache
Flush PHP OPcache and WinCache with the click of a button and automatically before WordPress updates.
Clear cache for Timber