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BuddyPress for LearnDash
BuddyPress for LearnDash integrates the LearnDash LMS plugin with BuddyPress, so you can add groups, activity, members, and forums to your courses.
Drip Feed Content Extended for Learndash
Extending the default drip feed content functionality of LearnDash to cover topics and quiz.
Buddyboss Extended Add-on
Buddyboss Group Auto Subscription To Forum and Discussions
Auto subscribe to forum and all its discussions after joining a group.
Frontend group restriction for LearnDash
Learndash addon to Help Group leaders to restrict Courses and lessons for their assigned groups.
Easy Dash for LearnDash
Easy Dash for LearnDash: an improved (and easy) dashboard for your LearnDash site.
PowerPack for LearnDash
What’s included with PowerPack for LearnDash?
CRM HubSpot LearnDash Integration
Integrates your course enrollments with HubSpot CRM
CRM Salesforce LearnDash Integration
New yet simple salesforce experience
AI GrAid
AI GrAid for LearnDash is the ultimate solution for time-strapped educators. It incorporates the power of AI to grade essay questions efficiently.
Next Step for LearnDash
**Change course link for enrolled students and forward them direct to the next step in the course to complete.
Unenroll For Learndash
Unenroll For Learndash
is the best way to allow students to unenroll from courses.
Plugin Name
LearnDash Group Comments
Dashing Memberships
The Ridiculously Easy Plugin for Adding Robust Membership Features to Your LearnDash Powered E-Learning Site
AutomatorWP - LearnDash integration
Connect AutomatorWP with LearnDash
Floating Course Resume Button for Learndash
Smart off-canvas vertical menu or sidebar for LearnDash LMS.
Students Count for LearnDash
Students Count for LearnDash
is the ultimate way to show your visitors how many students you have in your LearnDash courses.
myCred - Learndash
myCred LearnDash Points Importer
Manual Completions for LearnDash
Manual Completions for LearnDash lets you check completion as well as manually mark courses, lessons, topics and quizzes as complete. Individuals as well as in bulk.