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Cross-Network posts
Embed a post or a category of posts that is within another website on the same Wordpress network (multisite).
Jet Footer Code
WP Customer Reviews
Allows your visitors to leave business / product reviews. Testimonials are in Microdata / Microformat and may display star ratings in search results.
Automatic Blog Subscription
When a logged in user visits a blog for which they have no capabilities (i.e. not subscriber), they are automatically added as a subscriber.
Multisite Robots.txt Manager
A Robots.txt Manager Plugin for WordPress Multisite Networks. Quickly and easily manage all robots.txt files on a WordPress Multisite Website Network.
MU Plugins Tool
MU Plugins Tool allows you to activate or deactivate any MU (must-use) plugins that are installed - on an individual basis or all at once.
Multisite Widgets
Extends the standard WordPress widgets to be able to run on another blog on the site.
Plugin Name
A simple event calendar for WordPress 3.0 MultiSite.
Plugin Name
Allow the public to register user accounts on Subsites within a Network (MultiSite) installation.
SSL Subdomain for Multisite
Ensures logins are always done via SSL on a subdomain of the master domain, but access to custom domains are always over HTTP, to avoid cert errors.
SSO Cross Cookie
Single sign on (SSO) for a custom domain site, where the admin panel is on an SSL-secured subdomain. For WordPress Multisite.
WordPress/MU Favicon
Adds a custom favicon to all WordPress/MU Blogs and Administration Panels! Originally based of the WordPress Admin Favicon Plugin by John Kolbert!
WPMU fast backend switch
Switch between the backends of your WPMU blogs with one click
WordPress MS Proxied Authentication
Allows remote login of a proxied MS site.
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.
Plugin Name
Easily upgrade your WordPress 3.0 blog into Multi-Site with the click of a single button.
Displet Edit WPMU Users
Allows site admins on a multi-site instance (WPMU) to edit users, only when that user belongs to the same site as the admin.
Plugin Name
Adds Colorbox/Lightbox functionality to images, grouped by post or page. Works for WordPress and NextGEN galleries. Comes with different themes.