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WPSM Beaver Builder Extension
It's a Beaver Builder's extension. Included modules Classic Divider, Simple Icon, Spacer Gap to any Beaver Builder version.
Plugin Name
This is a collections of shortcodes we use in our themes.
Sixa Spacer Block
Add empty vertical space to your page. Responsive for desktop and mobile devices. Supports background colors and gradients.
Advanced Heading
Create Advanced Heading with Title, Subtitle and Separator Controls
Fruitful Shortcodes
Add additional content shortcodes: Alert, Button, Promo-text, Columns, Progress-bar, Recent-posts, Posts-slider, Separator, Tabs
Icon Separator
A simple, lightweight, accessibility-ready icon separator block.
Show Post Categories
Show all categories linked to a blog post/page, or list data such as: title, id, author details, tag.. & add hyperlinks or filter on specific data!
STApp Divider Plugin
Animated Divider, Headline, Separator
Section Separator block - Separate the section beautifully.
Section separator block. This block plugin comes up with all the options required to create a professional section separator.
Column Separator for Beaver Builder
Column separator for Beaver Builder.
Magic Content Box Lite - Page Content Builder Gutenberg Block for WordPress
Wavy Divider
A colorful, fun, lightweight divider block to energize your website with character and pizazz
Separator Widget
A widget that inserts a horizontal rule or a custom div.
CSSIgniter Shortcodes
This plugin defines and allows you to use a lot of useful shortcodes. Need a button? Sure. A message box? You know we have it.
Modern Design Library
A Modern Design Library toolkit for creating separators, lines, dividers, decorative elements and more.