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Bit Migrate WP
This plugin updates automatically all the links to match the new domain after migration.
Backwards Compatible Permalinks
Provides a degree of backwards compatibility when switching between permalink structures.
Posts short link
A plugin for creating short links to site content.
Custom Pagination Permalinks
Custom listing pagination URLs instead default WordPress permalinks like "[..]/page/[number]/"
Improve Enqueued Asset URLs
Improve caching for browsers by improving enqueued asset URLs
Domain Name & Path Fixer
The Domain Name & Path Fixer Plugin can be used to fix broken links and image paths following a change in your domain name or WordPress path.
DW Shortlinks
Track Inbound & Outbound Link Clicks Easily
Go Live URL Update
This small plugin will Updates all urls and content links in your website.
Plugin Name
Allows you to easily handle redirects to an unlimited number of offsite and onsite links. Also changing a destination link is fast and easy.
GET Custom Content
Create dynamic pages using parameters in the url, such as
Gallery and Widget of images and web pages
Heat Map Tracker
Analyze your visitors via Mouse Click and Mouse Move Heat Maps!
Plugin Name
This is a lightweight plugin which provide a way to get a list of all site urls (permalinks) exported to a CSV. Useful to do site inventory.
Simple 301 Redirects By BetterLinks – Easy Redirect Manager for WP, 404 Error Log & More
Simple 301 Redirects provides an easy method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.
Create additional, custom, internal and external dashboard links
Plugin Name
Very simple plugin to use shortcode for showing links by page/post id. Very easy to use.
Shortcodes Pack
A powerful shortcodes pack containing useful shortcodes.
Plugin Name
Try this awesome tool to explore how visitors watch your pages. Record and watch mouse movements, clicks and scrolls!
WP URLs Shortener + Social icons [Official]
Automatic wordpress link shortner, shorterns posts, pages, categories, affiliate links, shorten external links or any URL via