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zip code
A lightweight, easy-to-use store locator plugin. Premium version adds CSV imports, custom fields, custom map markers, location categories and more.
Hands down the most flexible location search and store finder available for WordPress today.
A WordPress-integrated map & location management interface. Quickly create street locator maps
Directory, Or Install The Plugin Through The Wordpress Plugins Screen Directly.2. Activate The Plugin Through The 'plugins' Screen In Wordpress.3. From The Menu Click Zipcode Redirect Settings And Input Your Redirect Url And Zip Code List.4. Insert The Zip Code Redirect Shortcode On One Of Your Pages.== Shortcode Usage ==We Recommend You Put The Zipcode Redirect Or Data Redirect In A Sidebar Or Maybe A Banner.Only Put One Instance Of The Shortcode [zipcoderedirect] On A Webpage Although You Can Use Multiple Instances Across Your Website.Only Put One Instance Of The Shortcode [dataredirect] On A Webpage Although You Can Use Multiple Instances Across Your Website.== Frequently Asked Questions ==I Need To Apply Css To The Input Box.Just Open Plugins/zipcode-redirect/css/style.css In Your Favorite Editor. Add Your Css And Save.Will The Plugin Work On My Theme? Yes, This Plugin Is Compatible With All Themes And Plugins. You Can Be Sure That It Works In The Best Possible Way.Is It Safe To Use? Yes, The Plugin Does Not Modify The Theme And/or Plugin Files. This Is 100% Safe. == Screenshots ==1. Zip Code Settings 2. With Submit Button 3. Without Submit Button == Changelog === 5.1.0 =Freemius Update==5.0.3==Code Update==5.0.2==Code Update==5.0.1==Data Redirect Added= 4.6.1 =Trial AddedUk Postcodes Added= 4.5.1 =Deactivate Update= 4.4.1 =Redirect Update= 4.3.1 =Form code update= 4.2.1 =Major code update= 4.1.1 =Freemius Update= 4.0.1 =Unlimited Functionality Added= 3.0.2 =Update to CSS= 3.0.1 =Choose How Many Digits Are Checked= 2.0.1 =Upgrade To Shortcode= 1.0.1 =Admin Updated= 1.0.0 =Initial Release.== Upgrade Notice ==Everybody should update to Version 4.5.1
VO Store Locator 3.0 is the most customizable FREE plugin being offered. Our WYSIWYG, drag and drop interface will get your store locator page just the way you like it.
Show a detailed map of restaurants with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto searching for address inside post
Show a detailed map of hotels with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto searching for address inside post
Calculates the best route between two points using google directions. With auto detection for both points.
Show a detailed map of any kind of business places, like hotels, restaurants, airports, art galleries etc, with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto searching for address inside post
WpCoordonnees est un petit plugin permettant l'ajout des coordonnées de votre entreprise ou autre dans votre site.
Restrict access to pages based on the user's zipcode.
A lightweight, easy to use service area locator plugin for WordPress.
Revolutionize with the 'Zip Code Based Product Price for WooCommerce' Plugin. A great plugin to help you sell your products based on zip codes.