Linux 软件免费装
android app
Plugin Name
AppiFire for Mobile Apps
Tested up to: 4.2.4 Stable tag: 2.3.1 License: GPLv2 License URI:
Android and iOS mobile application. Easy setup, free test.
Quickapp – Mobile App for your WP Blog (Android & HTML5)
Are you a WordPress blogger wanting to reach out to your audience on Android Mobile Device? QuickApp can help in doing this in few small steps.
Create my Apps
WP to App and WooCommerce to App is absolutely easy with the App Builder software from
without programming knowledge.
MobiLoud - WordPress Mobile Apps - Convert your WordPress Website to Native Mobile Apps
The best way to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android from your WordPress site.
Super Progressive Web Apps
SuperPWA helps you convert your WordPress website into a Progressive Web App instantly.
Plugin Name
Sync your posts with map2app, geo-locate them and create a travel app and/or a Google Map with custom markers, categories, images and descriptions.
Wordpress Mobile app Builder - Convert WordPress site to native mobile apps
Native Android mobile app for wordpress site, make your app a few clicks,VIDEO TUTORIAL, Free, easy, 3 min get your app, no coding
Mobile App Plugin
Build your own native mobile apps for your WordPress site.
Android Appmaker
Mit diesem Plugin kannst du für deine Seite eine Android-App erstellen. iOS Apps können auf Anfrage erstellt werden. Nach wenigen Klicks sind deine Inhalte auch in der App verfügbar!
MobiLoud - Smart App Banners
Movipress is a service which enables you to convert your site into a native Android app. Create the app via our site and manage it from the plugin.
Reactor: Core
Reactor: Core connects your site to mobile apps built with Reactor: Builder.
WooSignal WooCommerce App
Mobile Woocommerce app templates, connect your store in minutes and have a complete native IOS or Android app for your customers on the App store.
Webapp builder (Free mobile apps native iPhone iOS & Android Winphone mobile apps)
Webapp builder is webapp native mobile App (android,IOs,Winphone) builder, in 3 click, NO CODING (free mobile app plugin)
Convert your Wordpress Website into a mobile app in a "zap".
WPMA - Mobile App Transformer
Transform your website into a mobile app without coding, free templates on multiple niches
Wp2android - webapp native mobile app builder free ( android,IOs,Winphone mobile App)
Mobile App Plugin iPhone & Android Make your WordPress website to a Mobile app & mobile website (android,IOs,Winphone),in 5 min, NO CODING
Convert your wordpress website into android app instantly