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category image
<?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyImage')) tclTaxonomyImage(NULL,'thumbnail'); ?> to display image <?php if (function_exists('tclTaxonomyThumbUrl')) echo tclTaxonomyThumbUrl(NULL,'thumbnail'); ?> to get URL
A Simple plugin allow you to upload category image and those displayed in front end with diff. display options.
An easy, customer/user friendly way to upload images and attach them to your content. Optionally sets the featured image. Sometimes you just want to upload a file to a post/page/custom post type/taxonomy/etc.. This plugin allows you to do that with a simple user friendly interface. No popups, no additional page loads, no extra work… just a simple upload button on you post/page editor. You can have as many uploaders per page as you like. It even creates shortcodes and widgets for your use so no coding required!
A powerfull widget for displaying categories with image.
Add the ability to attach meta data to the wordpress categories and terms. It can be used to add meta to custom taxonomies (terms).
Add Custom Image To Your Category / Custom Taxonomy Field With Advanced Category and Custom Taxonomy Image Plugin.
Post Category Image With Grid and Slider plugin allow users to upload category image and display in grid and slider. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.