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CrunchBase API Widget
Add CrunchBase company details widgets to your posts , pages and blog widgets
Plugin Name
Company Data Manager
A plugin for managing and displaying essential company information, including contact details and social media links.
LinkedIn Company Updates
Allows users to display their Company's LinkedIn updates with [shortcode] or PHP.
Custorate Widget
Als u klantenbeoordelingen op uw website wilt. Dan is dit de beste manier om dat voor elkaar te krijgen, installeer de widget en meldt u aan!
EDD Checkout Invoice Fields
EDD Checkout Invoice Fields add same fields like COMPANY NAME, FISCAL CODE, VAT and ADDRESS to Easy Digital Download Checkout page
Google Map
No API Key is Required. Displays Fully Customizable Google Map via Widget. Small or Large Map + Advanced Features Including Lightbox.
Team Member Group For Visual Composer : The Best Way To Show your TEAM
Team Member Group for Visual Composer is the best well made and up to date Plugin built to create unlimited Teams with special design.
Genesis Staff Bio Grid
This plugin creates a simple, intuitive way to list your staff with featured images and to display their bio in a lightbox. For Genesis sites only.
Job Listing Box
An easy way to add a job listing to your Wordpress site.
Plugin Name
Job Post
Team Member Slider
Team Member Slider is a modern Plugin. It�s have 5 styles with huge option. You can use this Team Slider on your website easily.
GamiPress - WP Job Manager integration
Connect GamiPress with WP Job Manager
Nastavenia SK/CZ pre WooCommerce
Tento plugin si kladie za cieľ uľahčiť život e-shopom na Slovensku a v Česku. Snaží sa to dosiahnuť tým, že poskytuje funkcionalitu, ktorú potrebuje takmer každý slovenský/český e-shop.
WP Job Manager - Custom Management Role
Allows a user who has the 'edit_others_job_applications' capability to edit job applications posted by anyone.
Plugin Name
Search your G Suite (Google Apps) domain for employee info from a widget
Job Manager
hiring, hire, interview, interviews, job, jobs, job board, job list, job lists ,job listing, job manager, job management, job role, job search, list, listing, manager, opportunities,
NW Company Profile
Plugin Name