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Author Archives
Displays author specific archives widget on author's single post page.
Author Tags
Displays author specific tags with post count on single post page
Category Monthly Archives
This Widget display category monthly archives links on category page.
Date Pagination
Paginate your posts by year, month or day.
AstroPress by Ask Oracle
Hands-down, easiest way to embed horoscopes and astrology charts on your blog or website, we got a plugin for you!
DMG Post Archives Widget
Displays monthly archives as a list or dropdown jump-menu with advanced options to add CSS classes, modify the title & add custom HTML/ Text.
WP-Cron Status Checker
If WP-Cron runs important things for you, you better make sure WP-Cron always runs!
Plugin Name
The only all-in-one mailing list builder and email digest delivery plugin.
Gives you a few extra function for the archives widget including limiting the amount of archives to show and wether you want to display yearly, monthly, weekly or daily archive links.
Monthly Data Sheets
Monthly Data Sheets plugin allows you to create data sheets for each month with custom rows and columns
Plugin Name
Paywhirl lets you accept subscription payments on your Wordpress site.
Spice Archive Page
Plugin allows you to display yearly, monthly and daily archives in pages.
Annual Archive
Display daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, decade, postbypost and alpha archives with a simple shortcode or sidebar widget.
Compact Archives
Displays a smart monthly archive of posts in a more compact form rather than the default long archive widget.