Linux 软件免费装
Bop Search Box Item Type For Nav Menus
Adds search box as a choice of item in navigation menus admin area.
WP Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb Builder will allow you to add Breadcrumbs navigation section to your site and your visitors will know current path.
CPT Archive to Nav
Gives the user the ability to add the archive of custom post types to a menu
WP Dessert Menu
Extra Classes
Adds classes for selected menu states such as highlighting categories when viewing a blog post or parent page when viewing an attachment page.
Floating Admin Menu
Stop scrolling, save time! Have the admin menu stay in place, no matter how far you scroll down.
Current Menu Item for Custom Post Types
Allows you to highlight the current menu item by assigning a page to a custom post type.
Mobile Navigation
A responsive fullscreen mobile menu navigation. Activate it for your custom made theme to save some time.
mPress Menu Wormhole
Easily add a menu as a submenu to another menu.
Modify Lucid Navigation Tool
Modify the navigation style of Lucid Theme from ElegantThemes.
Page Menus Widget
Menu with Page Assignment Widget
Nav Menu Collapse
Adds functionality to collapse and expand nav menus within the WordPress admin.
Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation
Allows visitor to scoll through the posts on a page with the J/K keys.
Plugin Name
Delete menu item & its sub items quickly
Smart Icons For WordPress
Subtitle Filter
Adds tha ability to show only a submenu with wp_nav_menu().
A fully-customizable yet light-weight and intuitive archiving plugin. Its features include custom post type support, optional javascript enhancement, shortcodes, and widgets all with only one additional database query.
WAJ Admin Menu
Simple class & shortcodes for easily generating HTML for admin menus set up in WordPress.
Black Studio Touch Dropdown Menu
Add support for navigation dropdown menus on mobile / touch devices.
Voce Cached Nav
Serve cached copies of WordPress navigation menus