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azurecurve Series Index
Displays Index of Series Posts using series-index Shortcode. This plugin is multi-site compatible and contains an inbuilt show/hide toggle.
Issues and Series for Newspapers, Magazines, Publishers, Writers
PublishPress Series is the publishing plugin that allows you to organize posts into issues or series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, writers, teachers, comic artists, or anyone who writes multiple posts on the same topic.
Muki Series TOC
Automatically generate and display a table of contents for series posts, improving content organization and user navigation.
EG-Series helps you to organize your posts in a new way, allowing the creation of groups (series) of posts. Can be useful to promote some posts.
Hackadelic Series
Lightweight, complete series management solution for WordPress.
In Series
Gives authors an easy way to connect posts together as a series.
Haru Vidi - Video Manager WordPress
Haru Vidi is a video WordPress plugin has been created by HaruTheme to help you easy create and manager your video website.
WPP Post Series
WPP Post Series is a lightweight plugin that allows you to group Posts into Series.
Books CPT
A WordPress Custom Post Type for books. Supports Genre and Series.
Also In This Series
Group related posts in a post series and automatically list all of the posts in the series as part of the content.
Organize Series Publisher
An ADD-ON for the Organize Series Plugin that enables easy bulk publishing of all posts in a series at once.
Connected Sermons
To provide a better end user experience we utilize the following 3rd party services.
Simple Course Creator
Easily create, output, and manage post series.
Simple Course Creator Post Meta
Add post meta information for Simple Course Creator output.
Simple Course Creator Front Display
Outputs the course name on each post listed on a blog home, archive page, or search results page.
Simple Course Creator - Updates
Use the SCC Updates addon to list the newest posts from your courses and stories in a timeline format.
User Series
This is a very simple extension I wrote for Organize Series to add some access control to series.
WP Post Series
Publish and link together a series of posts using a new "series" taxonomy. Automatically display links to other posts in a series above your content.
BC Mini Series
Create mini series for WordPress
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.