Linux 软件免费装
Simple TOC
create a wiki like TOC (table of contents) in your posts or pages using shortcode.
Dexs Navigation Tree
This Plugin creates a "Table of Contents" container, show it with the shortcode and / or with the own widget!
f(x) TOC
Simple Table Of Contents Plugin. Just add [toc] shortcode in content to display.
Hackadelic SEO Table Of Contents
Easy to use, freely positionable, fancy AJAX-style table of contents for WordPress posts and pages.
Icon Table of Contents and Menus
Provides an icon at the top of the page which, when expanded, provides a table of contents with bookmarks to all of the main h tags in the content.
KB Elementor
Elementor Plugin for creating wiki like knowledge based site | Learning Management Site | Category-Post tree | Series of Posts | Table of Content
GutenTOC - Advance Table of Content for Gutenberg
GutenTOC is Satisfaction guaranteed TOC builder If you use Gutenberg editor and need to create table of content any place.
LH Table of Contents
create a wiki like TOC (table of contents) in your posts or pages using shortcode.
SDZ - Table of Contents
Shortcode for a contain table.
Affiliate Blocks Gutenberg - Ultimate Addons for Affiliate
Affiliate Blocks is an official plugin maintained by the WP York that add an extra feature on the “Gutenberg editor".
ONet Header Linkifier
For advanced users! Github-like header parser for your posts, pages and custom contents. Also lets you fetch TOC for any content.
ONet Auto Headline Anchor
For advanced users! Github-like headline parser for your posts, pages and custom contents. Also lets you fetch TOC for any content.
Fast TOC
Display a table of contents
MK Table of Contents
This Plugin adds a TOC to a post via the shortcode
Parses HTML for sections demarcated by heading elements, wraps them in HTML5\ section elements, and generates table of contents with links to each.
Heroic 目录
Heroic 目录是一个很简单的方式来添加内容到你的站点.
Shortcode Table of Contents
Display an automated table of contents via shortcode.
Simple Table of Content
A user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. User have to just input which tag he want to create Table of Content.
LuckyWP Table of Contents
Creates SEO-friendly table of contents for your posts/pages. Works automatically or manually (via shortcode, Gutenberg block or widget).
Automatic TOC - Table of Contents
Display a Table of Contents (TOC) from all Headings on the page.