Linux 软件免费装
Angry Creative Inspector
Inspects, logs and with the aid of WP-CLI, it may even repair possible issues with your WordPress installation.
Validar identidad CF7
Valida campos de DNI, NIF, NIE y CIF utilizando el plugin Contact Form 7
EDD Checkout Wizard
Adds a form wizard with validation to your checkout page.
Empty Posts/Pages
Empty posts/pages still get wrapped in tags, which makes them invalid. This plugin fixes that. PHP5 Required.
Automatic quality-assurance checks, ensuring your articles meet editorial guidelines.
LH Native Comments
Make native WordPress comments better by using modern standards
NS Comment Validator
Validate your WordPress Comment form
Qbloc by Qwanz
Create verified polls and petitions that enable users to send results to US Elected Officials, Govermt. Agencies, Corporations and 20,000 Journalists
Scrape and Debug
Simplify page debugging via Facebook Sharing Debugger, LinkedIn Post Inspector, Google's Structured Data Testing Tool and Rich Results Test, PageSpeed Insights, W3C Validation, and Google AMP Test.
Add Spam Filters
Stop Spam User Registrations by Adding
, and Email Domain Extension Filters.
Validar DNI, NIF, NIE y CIF
Valida campos de DNI, NIF, NIE y CIF utilizando el plugin Contact Form 7 || Validate DNI, NIF, NIE and CIF fields using Contact Form 7 plugin
Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field
The Validated Field add-on for Advanced Custom Fields provides input masking and server-side validation of other field types.
WCAG Validator
Validate all post with WCAG standard
bValidator - Form validator for jQuery , bValidator is a jQuery plug-in for client side form validation.
ValidBot - Validate Your Website
Validate a website to ensure it follows best practices for security, performance and effectiveness.
ads.txt Guru Connect
ads.txt Guru is a revolutionary tool to eliminate the burden of maintaining website ads.txt files!
Plugin Name
Generic form processor allowing forms to be painlessly processed and aggregated, with numerous options to validate data and perform custom commands
Validar RUT Chile con CF7
Validate Chilean RUT field using Contact Form 7 plugin