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BP WC Vendors
BuddyPress WooCommerce Vendors integrates WC Vendors with BuddyPress and enables a BuddyPress Social Marketplace
Plugin Name
An add-on for Easy Digital Downloads and Frontend Submissions to create separate upload directories for each vendor.
Easy Digital Downloads - Commission Fees
Charge vendors an additional flat amount or percentage fee on each transaction.
Easy Digital Downloads - Commission Notes
Record commission notes and allow your vendors to easily view them.
Affiliate Promotions
Affiliate Promotions - Plugin tự động lấy tin khuyến mãi, mã giảm giá và sản phẩm giá tốt.
Marketplace Bitcoin Gateway
A Free Payment Gateway for Marketplace allowing you to Pay Your Vendors Using Bitcoin.
Marketplace Stripe Gateway
A Free Payment Gateway for Marketplace allowing you to Pay Your Vendors Using Stripe.
Multi-Vendor Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce - Build Intuitive B2C Online Stores Easily
This plugin converts the WooCommerce store into a multi-vendor store like Amazon, eBay and Etsy. Sellers can manage their stores beautifully.
WC Vendors to Dokan
WC Vendor to Dokan Migration Made Easy
WCMp Advanced Shipping
A free addon bridging WC Marketplace and WC Table Rate Shipping.
Easy Digital Downloads - All Access Flat Rates
Override the All Access weighted commission calculations and reward vendors with flat rate amounts.
Intrackt Vendors
Enhanced Features for YITH Multi Vendor. (Ask us about extending other multi-vendor plugins.)
My auctions allegro marketplace
Marketplace for WooCommerce
Let users sell on your store.
WPSAAD Addons for Dokan and Elementor
Supercharge your multivendor marketplace with WPSAAD Addons for Dokan and Elementor. Easily customizable widgets for showcasing vendors and products.