Faster YouTube Embed enables you to insert YouTube videos to any page and post quickly and efficiently & you’ll have no hassle of slow YouTube video load time anymore!
Social Feed plugin allows you to show your social feeds from your social media accounts like Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest within in few minutes.
Nice YouTube Lite gives you the power to embed YouTube video players wherever you choose, by simply adding shortcodes to your posts, pages or sidebar widgets.
Blocks or shortcode for embed of responsive single videos and grids from YouTube video playlists, which include markup as recommended by google.
Widgets + ShortCode responsive to embed youtube in your sidebar or in your content [youtube video=...] or in WPBakery Page Builder, with SEO fields.
Share your channel with YouTube button subscribe.
YouTube Embed plugin is an convenient tool for adding video to your website.
Use our plugin to add videos in posts/pages, widgets. Our plugin has user-friendly and simple admin panel, so you can insert videos very easily and quickly.