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BuddyPress helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites, with user profiles, activity streams, and more!
People profiles, team- and company pages
A professional profile section with an 'About Us' Page with visual Network, Team and People profiles.
Simple New Post Emails
Allow site members to check a box and get new posts via email. Includes a widget.
GP Facebook login
A simple login with facebook account in WordPress
GP Google login
A simple login with google account in WordPress
Staff Directory - Employee Directory for WordPress
The WordPress employee directory plugin. Create beautiful staff profiles. Allow people to find each other faster and bring everyone together!
All-In-One Intranet
Instantly turn your WordPress installation into a private corporate intranet.
IP Address Approval
The IP Address Approval system provides an easy way for you to Allow or Block access to your website to protect your site from unwanted visitors.
Orbis is a powerful, extendable plugin to boost up your business. Project Management, Customer Relation Management & More...
Plugin Name
Extend your WordPress installation with BPMContext Intranet Solutions. This plugin adds a login from WordPress to BPMContext.
Simple Bookings
Simple Bookings allows you to manage the booking request approval workflow.
Simple Support
A simple support ticketing system for your intranet or business.
Client Suite
Add a Client Area with private login in your WordPress site. Invite customers to collaborate and share files.
Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress
The best BuddyPress plugin for building online communities, user profile, social networks, and membership sites on WordPress with tons of features.
Intranet Plus Dropbox
Add an intranet with private login in your WordPress site. Post announcements, collaborate with team members and share files using Dropbox storage.
Plugin Name
Search your G Suite (Google Apps) domain for employee info from a widget
YumJam Require Login
Disable the public site functionality, always prompt for a login before showing any content, make WordPress and intranet style site
Plugin Name
Create a module that allows logged-in users to post something nice about a fellow user, friend or co-worker.
Blocksolid Gateway
Gated content based upon a Members Only flag for pages, posts and categories with Gutenberg support.
Force Login Except Special IP Range
Forces all anonymous users to login except the user connects from special ip ranges or a specific IP4 address.